Frequently Asked Questions

Friday April 25th to Sunday April 27th 

It costs €250 to partake, with a minimum fundraise requirement of €300 too.

Yes, each individual enrolled in the event will be required to raise €300 to partake, along with the €250 entry cost.

  • Enrolment in the event
  • Cycling jersey (to b worn on Sunday)
  • Transport for bicycle
  • Bus from The Laurels, Clondalkin to the Connaught Hotel, Galway
  • 2 nights bed & breakfast
  • 2 dinners (Tullamore and The Laurels on Saturday & Sunday)
  • Water, food and support during cycle

Yes, there is transport for your bicycle and also for you. There will be a bus from The Laurels, Clondalkin to The Connaight Hotel, Galway where the cycling will begin.

  • Motorcycle Marshalls will assist cyclist on the route by stopping on-coming traffic at junctions/roundabouts etc. but cyclist must still observe the rules of the road.
  • First aid will be available in the event of injury
  • Bike mechanic available in the event of mechanical issue
  • Moral support from fellow cyclist available in the event of meltdown or loss of confidence
  • There are stops every 25km where cyclists can refill on food and water

227km, split over two days of cycling.

Yes, there is a training schedule:

  • Training starts on the first Saturday of January at 10am from The Laurels
  • 40km from Clondalkin to Straffan, stop for coffee, back to Clondalkin. Cyclists will average 20km an hour at the beginning 
  • The distance and speed will very gradually become longer (to get cyclists up to 127km in one day) and faster (up to 25km per hour by the time the event takes place).
  • The Laurels Cycle Crew (LCC) will teach cyclists how to cycle in a group (peloton), including call for hazards (potholes, shores etc.).
  • Each training cycle will be mild mannered and friendly with plenty of chatter between cyclists