ICU are currently fundraising to support the purchase of a Sertain Intensive Care chair.
The chair can configure to a flat raised lay-flat position. By doing so allows the patient to be transferred across safety from the bed to the chair in the lay-flat position, without having to be hoisted out of bed.
The chair has functions that a normal chair does not have, which is designed for Critical Care patients. The chair can come with features to enable an oxygen cylinder holder, drip stand and a shelf to place a portable ventilator on the chair. By doing this we can bring the stable ventilated patient for a walk in the grounds of the hospital to have experience of having a short trip outside with a suitable intensive care chair. This function is not possible on other chairs.
Currently ICU only have one chair. We need many more. Can you help? Your support and generosity would bring huge value to our patients.
To find out more you can contact us on